2011-05-26 13:27:43 UTC
q > Moe?
q > Kent?
q > Come on in!
q > What's the matter obsessors, cat got your tongues?
KBW > At least you are able to admit you're OBSESSED.
q > More patented Kent ikyabwai.
q >
q > You are such a criminal coward.
G > The only other person I've ever seen
G > try so much stupid ikyabwai as Kent
G > was PeeWee Herman back before he
G > got arrested for using a knot hole.
Moe > Pee Wee Herman is a character the man played, greg.
Moe > And he was arrested for jacking off in a public theater while
Moe > watchiig a porno movie.
Moe > You can't even get your facts straight on anything, can you?
G > Hey Moe, neither did you! LOL
G > You're right, I falsely accused Reubens of using a knot hole.
G > That was ANOTHER member of the knot hole gang.
G >
G > The POINT was Kent's profuse use of IKYABWAI.
"A complete fail of a comeback... basicaly... you
would use it when you get verbally bitch slapped
your face is all red... and you cannot come up
with a comeback."
Sounds about right.
q > Kent?
q > Come on in!
q > What's the matter obsessors, cat got your tongues?
KBW > At least you are able to admit you're OBSESSED.
q > More patented Kent ikyabwai.
q >
q > You are such a criminal coward.
G > The only other person I've ever seen
G > try so much stupid ikyabwai as Kent
G > was PeeWee Herman back before he
G > got arrested for using a knot hole.
Moe > Pee Wee Herman is a character the man played, greg.
Moe > And he was arrested for jacking off in a public theater while
Moe > watchiig a porno movie.
Moe > You can't even get your facts straight on anything, can you?
G > Hey Moe, neither did you! LOL
G > You're right, I falsely accused Reubens of using a knot hole.
G > That was ANOTHER member of the knot hole gang.
G >
G > The POINT was Kent's profuse use of IKYABWAI.
"A complete fail of a comeback... basicaly... you
would use it when you get verbally bitch slapped
your face is all red... and you cannot come up
with a comeback."
Sounds about right.