I haven't been following this thread at all, but this comment caught my
Post by AvianFluThen, it shouldn't bother for an alternative to evolution to be taught
in public schools.
I.D. is not an alternative to evolution. One of it's major downfalls
is it's lack of a plan for experimental verification. Having the
ability to test hypotheses and accept the findings is the hallmark of
any good scientific endeavor. An idea doesn't rise to the distinction
of being a scientific theory unless it has been tested through repeated
experiments and found to be the strongest explanation of how we think
things work. It is, in my humble opinion, beyond the capability of any
scientist to formulate an effective plan for testing to see if God left
any fingerprints.
Furthermore, evolution as a theory is actually much stronger now than
it ever has been in history. I suggest checking out some of the
material at www.asa3.org, which is the site of "a fellowship of men and
women in science and disciplines that relate to science who share a
common fidelity to the Word of God and a commitment to integrity in the
practice of science." While I'm sure not every member of the
association is pro-evolution, there are quite a few who are
anti-creationist/anti-intelligent-design. Also, check out some of the
material on the web about developments in evolution over the past 10
years. It might interest you to know that we've gained more insights
into the fossil record in the past decade than we have in the entire
history of evolutionary theory.
I.D. is an irrelevant and needless attempt to marry science and
religion. Each has it's purpose, and needn't be in contention. The
Bible wasn't meant to be read as a scientific textbook. It's purpose
is to describe man's relationship with the divine from a certain point
of view, and to impart moral truth as it's authors understood it.
Final note - what you said had nothing whatsoever to do with the post
you quoted. Following a tradition because it's fun is not the same
thing as endorsing/subscribing to a religious viewpoint, and your
comment was completely off-topic.