Sir Gregory Hall, Esq.
2012-04-28 14:56:36 UTC
Traditionalist Christians and heterosexuals are spending all your efforts
chasing after a small group of women. Unlike us, you havent succeeded in
freeing yourselves from the patriarchal, Eurocentric, sexist preference
for vaginas. The non-Mangina Christians are blinkered by their agist,
weightist and myriad other prejudices.
Ok What is a Mangina?
Simply, it is a portmanteau of the words Man and Vagina. I use it here to
signify the community of homosexual men blogging about sex and gender
issues from a feminist perspective today.
Is Mangina pejorative? I suggest it is not. Vaginas are certainly wondrous
things and masculinity, while often oppressive, is not without merit
especially in the context of its kinder, gentler, post-sexual revolution
revival. The word formed from the combination of these fine concepts has
negative connotations only insofar as we allow them. For example, some
would use the word Mangina to mock those of us who stand up for feminism,
womens liberty, and gender rights. The implication being that men who exhibit
sympathy for women, and embody characteristics that society has deemed
female are somehow less than those who do not!
That's why I choose to display my hairy Mangina proudly. I suggest you do
the same.
So what kinds of issues are important to Manginas?
We write about gender and queer issues. We combat sexism, agism,
slut-shaming, hetero-normative worldviews, patriarchy, racism, fascism and a
few other -isms to boot. We are but quiet voices in a shouting world, but we
are doing our small part to resist oppression wherever its found.
As an auxillary wing to the courageous women who've spearheaded the larger
battle for womens rights, we've accomplished a lot. The scourge of
patriarchy that dominated the western world for centuries is breathing it
dying gasps.
Its not quite time to sheath our pens, as there is still work to be done,
but the optimist in me says: That day draws near. Or at least so it seemed.
Recently, I've noticed a new challenge rearing itself in our midst. Almost
as soon as the old patriarchy had been slain, a new movement rose to take
its place. I call it Neo-Traditionalism, and it is a many-headed hydra. In
one facet, it is the Mens Right s Movement, a comical collection of the
privileged whining about not being quite privileged enough.
In another, it is the reactionary and sexist dating advice of gurus
like Mary Gulley, who urge young women to act coy and subservient in the
eyes of their men, and to feel ashamed of their natural sexual urges and
Most widely of all, it manifests itself in the Seduction Community, a sad
collection of hapless men driven to the internet by their failure with
women, where they attempt to learn the tricks, deceptions and flim-flams
that will guide women into having (possibly consensual) sexual relations
with them.
Suffice it to say, the Manginas of the world must be active in combating
this threat. The men driving Neo-Traditionalism are an embarrassment to our
gender. It is essential that we push back against their misinformation in
our blogs, magazines, opinion articles, and wherever else public opinion can
be influenced.
As you can imagine, the Neo-Trads are strongly disposed toward agist,
weightist and other patriarchal beauty myths. They claim to exhibit a strong
mate preference for young women, thin women, and women that conform to the
patriarchal western ideal of beauty. Apparently anything over 32 is too ripe
for these men!
Fortunately, there is one major benefit of these sad attitudes to the proud
Manginas of the world.
This leaves the meat market for Manginas WIDE OPEN.
chasing after a small group of women. Unlike us, you havent succeeded in
freeing yourselves from the patriarchal, Eurocentric, sexist preference
for vaginas. The non-Mangina Christians are blinkered by their agist,
weightist and myriad other prejudices.
Ok What is a Mangina?
Simply, it is a portmanteau of the words Man and Vagina. I use it here to
signify the community of homosexual men blogging about sex and gender
issues from a feminist perspective today.
Is Mangina pejorative? I suggest it is not. Vaginas are certainly wondrous
things and masculinity, while often oppressive, is not without merit
especially in the context of its kinder, gentler, post-sexual revolution
revival. The word formed from the combination of these fine concepts has
negative connotations only insofar as we allow them. For example, some
would use the word Mangina to mock those of us who stand up for feminism,
womens liberty, and gender rights. The implication being that men who exhibit
sympathy for women, and embody characteristics that society has deemed
female are somehow less than those who do not!
That's why I choose to display my hairy Mangina proudly. I suggest you do
the same.
So what kinds of issues are important to Manginas?
We write about gender and queer issues. We combat sexism, agism,
slut-shaming, hetero-normative worldviews, patriarchy, racism, fascism and a
few other -isms to boot. We are but quiet voices in a shouting world, but we
are doing our small part to resist oppression wherever its found.
As an auxillary wing to the courageous women who've spearheaded the larger
battle for womens rights, we've accomplished a lot. The scourge of
patriarchy that dominated the western world for centuries is breathing it
dying gasps.
Its not quite time to sheath our pens, as there is still work to be done,
but the optimist in me says: That day draws near. Or at least so it seemed.
Recently, I've noticed a new challenge rearing itself in our midst. Almost
as soon as the old patriarchy had been slain, a new movement rose to take
its place. I call it Neo-Traditionalism, and it is a many-headed hydra. In
one facet, it is the Mens Right s Movement, a comical collection of the
privileged whining about not being quite privileged enough.
In another, it is the reactionary and sexist dating advice of gurus
like Mary Gulley, who urge young women to act coy and subservient in the
eyes of their men, and to feel ashamed of their natural sexual urges and
Most widely of all, it manifests itself in the Seduction Community, a sad
collection of hapless men driven to the internet by their failure with
women, where they attempt to learn the tricks, deceptions and flim-flams
that will guide women into having (possibly consensual) sexual relations
with them.
Suffice it to say, the Manginas of the world must be active in combating
this threat. The men driving Neo-Traditionalism are an embarrassment to our
gender. It is essential that we push back against their misinformation in
our blogs, magazines, opinion articles, and wherever else public opinion can
be influenced.
As you can imagine, the Neo-Trads are strongly disposed toward agist,
weightist and other patriarchal beauty myths. They claim to exhibit a strong
mate preference for young women, thin women, and women that conform to the
patriarchal western ideal of beauty. Apparently anything over 32 is too ripe
for these men!
Fortunately, there is one major benefit of these sad attitudes to the proud
Manginas of the world.
This leaves the meat market for Manginas WIDE OPEN.
Sir Gregory
Sir Gregory