Moe's sock stoogery
(too old to reply)
2012-06-08 11:26:31 UTC
Gaggie,i don't need to. your own posts as your sock prove it to any
halfway intelligent person, dumbass.
 Really, who do you think you are fooling? this is your "game" where
you do anything you can to get either Kent or myself to respond to
your pathetic posts. I've already shown the signs that BSR is Hanson,
indications that you in your stupidity repeat with every sock account
you use.
 You should get off your drug abused rear and clean up your apartment,
gaggie. Seriously. An apartment that is in THAT much of a mess soon
after you move in indicates you are either a slob or that you have
some serious mental problems that hoarders have.
You do realize, don't you that the landlord can kick you out if he or
she sees their property in such a state as shown in that photo.
Kent's matching photo with the same cat
but a hoarders banner gave it away, Moe.
It's just another AUK'er style hoax.

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Life is all about TeeVee for you isn't it, Maureen?

Groupie for a TeeVee show that ended in 1996, 16 years ago!

Maureen, Frank needs your help again in the bathroom.
Bring another roll!


User Profile
foreverknightfan's journal
occasional rants and bites V^^^^V
This journal may contain adult concepts.

Basic Account [Gift] Created on 2005-07-26 06:49:50 (#7840644), last
updated 2012-06-07

504 Journal Entries 240 comments received 250 comments posted
635 Tags 0 Memories 0 Virtual Gifts 4 Userpics

Basic Info Name: foreverknightfan Contact: ***@yahoo.com

As my name suggests, I am a fan of the TV series Forever Knight. I am
also a Wiccan ( Pagan), love Celtic artwork and music, I sometimes
argue with Christians in certain yahoo Christian chat rooms. I like
Quantum Leap, Monk, Adderly and much of the crime TV type shows. I
read a lot of true crime books and do read in particular vampire

As for music, I like Clannad, Enya, RUSH and the rock music of the mid
ninetites and earlier, preferrably sixties and seventies. I am
starting to like jazz music but will never like rap music.

Connect Interests (20):

adderly, ancient egypt, archeology, bob larson, catherine disher,
celtic artwork, dilbert, forever knight, george carlin., geraint wyn
davies, going to auctions, monitoring fundamentalist christians,
mythology, nigel bennett, older rock music, paganism, quantum leap,
true crime, vampire, wicca

External Services:

***@livejournal.com fvnite

Friends [View Entries] Friends (7):

goodvibe, his_spiffyness, jeannev, melsummers, sethanikeem,
solo_archer, tasabian

Mutual Friends (2):

his_spiffyness, solo_archer
Also Friend of (3): popesnarky, realtorvmoskve, vampiric_rat

Communities [View Entries] Watching (3):

fk_freaks, fk_icons, godwelling

Member of (4):

fk_freaks, fk_icons, godwelling, tomwelling_art

Feeds [View Entries] Watching (1): the_wildhunt

Look, there's CLAYTON! LOL

Clayton Wade McGill of Coquitlam, BC Born 1974 AKA bit rot, Demon of
Mockery,Pope Snarky,FNVW, etc.
720 Farrow St 104 Anthony Manor apartments Unit #104, Coquitlam, BC
V3J3S5, (778) 355-9894

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Dudley Do-Right theme and story 4:58


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Loading Image....html

Loading Image....html?o=2

Level Class Document
Reference Last Name, First Name Court Location Date Time Room Rsn Last
Rslt Agency File # View

""Speeding Ticket""
P,T AG12414009-1 MCGILL, CLAYTON Wade Clearwater Provincial Court
10:00 AM 001 HR END 207:

""Drunk Driving""
P,A 104746-1 MCGILL, CLAYTON Wade Surrey Provincial Court 29Jun1999
9:00 AM 001 OBC SEN 726:99045214
Document Count Offence Date Statute Nature Accused City Of Offence
104746-1 2 11-May-1999 CCC - 253(b) Operating vehicle/vessel with over
80mg of alcohol
Commit MCGILL, CLAYTON Wade Surrey BC
Document Name Access In Custody Year Of Birth
104746-1 MCGILL, CLAYTON Wade 1 N 1974


Pope Snarky GOTUC @SnarkyC
Transgendered/polyamorous/bisexual Discordian gamer & sf/fantasy/
horror fan
Greater Vancouver, BC, Canada

Kent Wills
2012-06-08 15:23:39 UTC
Post by Greegor
Gaggie,i don't need to. your own posts as your sock prove it to any
halfway intelligent person, dumbass.
 Really, who do you think you are fooling? this is your "game" where
you do anything you can to get either Kent or myself to respond to
your pathetic posts. I've already shown the signs that BSR is Hanson,
indications that you in your stupidity repeat with every sock account
you use.
 You should get off your drug abused rear and clean up your apartment,
gaggie. Seriously. An apartment that is in THAT much of a mess soon
after you move in indicates you are either a slob or that you have
some serious mental problems that hoarders have.
You do realize, don't you that the landlord can kick you out if he or
she sees their property in such a state as shown in that photo.
Kent's matching photo with the same cat
but a hoarders banner gave it away, Moe.
That's not the picture she's referring to, and you know it. Here
is the picture from which you are DESPERATE to distract:

Loading Image...

Your deeply rooted psychological NEED to lie about the cell phone
picture, claming it's from a TV show, gives cause to accept it is your
slum apartment.
Why did Lisa kick you out, and why in less than six months did
you trash your slum apartment?
Post by Greegor
It's just another AUK'er style hoax.
I don't recall a time when anyone on AUK claimed a picture taken
with a cell phone was from a TV show. Can you cite a time when it, or
something similar,was done? Unless I've just caught you in another
lie, you'll be able.
Post by Greegor
I put the correct link up, Greg. No additional charge for
PROVING you are psychologically UNABLE to be honest in most
Post by Greegor
Life is all about TeeVee for you isn't it, Maureen?
The cell phone picture, linked above, still has nothing to do
with television, Greg. No amount of your LYING will alter this truth.
Learn to accept this TRUTH.
Post by Greegor
Groupie for a TeeVee show that ended in 1996, 16 years ago!
There are people who still enjoy the original Star Trek. That
ended in 1969, 43 years ago.
Post by Greegor
Maureen, Frank needs your help again in the bathroom.
Bring another roll!
Your scat fetish and obsession with a man named Frank is very
odd, Greg. That you are gay is already well known and accepted. That
you have a scat fetish is equally well know and accepted.
That you are so COMPELLED to express both in the manner you do is
not the behavior of the mentally sound.
Post by Greegor
Look, there's CLAYTON! LOL
What does someone named Clayton have to do with your DESPERATION
to distract from the TRUTH that less than six months after Lisa Rene
Watkins kicked you out, you trashed your slum apartment?
Please be specific when you answer, Greg.

[Snip of items that have nothing to do with Moe or the photo of your
trashed slum apartment]

Don't worry, Greg. I'm surely the only person to see how
DESPERATE you are to distract from the TRUTH about the picture showing
how you've trashed your apartment. LOL

Which of these women is Lisa Rene Watkins:

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"I am Bob Larson."
Gregory Scott "Piggly Wiggly" Hanson offering more proof that he is
as mentally ill as he presents.

A select number of items that really are about Gregory Scott "Piggly
Wiggly" Hanson (They are so accurate, Greg compared them the comment
that water is wet):

(DOB 05/22/1959)
Comments: CT 1 OWI 1ST
Comments: CT 2 SPEED
Disposition Status

"That's the chick, but not the pic, zipperhead!"
Greg "Piggly Wiggly" Hanson proving his bigotry towards Asians, by
attacking my first wife (deceased).

Me: "I suspect your stalking is due to the use and abuse of illegal
drugs, Greg. Is the reason for your stalking the members of
alt.friends due to the use and abuse of illegal drugs?

Gregory Scott "Piggly Wiggly" Hanson, wife beater and child abuser:
"Of course."

"My family's case is for Neglect, but we are treated
in virtually every regard as child abusers, marked on
the Child Abuse registry, for example."
-- Gregory Scott "Piggly Wiggly" Hanson, wife beater and child

" ... But there ought to be conferences and studies on how to curb
minority overpopulation, repatriate minorities abroad, imprison more
minorities, increase use of the death penalty and divest minorities of
the power they have usurped over us in recent years. That would
address the most pressing problems of our day. ... "
April 2000, Gregory Hanson

From: Greegor <***@gmail.com>

With the Christmas season upon us again, my stepdaughter was launching
into her usual tirade of "I need this" (Nintendo 64 games, Pokemon,
videos, Rhianna CD, etc.) After enduring a trip through Kmart, I
was at my wits end. I took the kid home and filled the bathtub with
water. Then I dunked the brat's head under the water and counted out
a full minute, with her flailing her arms. I brought her up and she
gasped for air. When she'd caught her breath, I asked her, "When you
were under that water, did you 'need' Nintendo? Pokemon? Rhianna?"
She shook her head. "What were you thinking about?" I
prodded. She told me "I was thinking that I needed air."

"Now you know the difference between 'need' and 'want'" I exclaimed

--a true story

As of Wednesday, August 31, 2011:

Comments: OPA $2805.04

+ INTEREST AT 7.271% FROM 8/6/98 & $45.00 COSTS.

FEES $35.60

Gregory Scott "Piggly Wiggly" Hanson has a Garnishment order against
him. There is nothing to even suggest any of the money legally owed
has been paid. The SoL on the order has likely expired, but Greg still
can't risk getting a job due to it.
