Opinions please
(too old to reply)
Path Does Not Exist
2005-11-20 21:51:28 UTC
When you first started hanging around me, people made not very nice
comments about you. Isn't he an ass hole? He's a jerk, isn't he? Did you
ever see his car? His wife is the one in control. He hangs out with his
boss, yuck. Look at his car, what a joke. How about the way he dresses?
He looks like such an idiot. He's having a hard time handling this job.
Did you ever see his house? He is a fool. His house is a dump. What
could you have to talk to that ass hole about? He is so pussy whipped by
his wife. He is a wimp. He is a loser. Why do you even talk to him, he's
a jerk. His wife is the boss and he is so afraid of her. It got to the
point where I felt sorry for you. It was all so shallow.
(Why on earth would you tell me this? What is this informatio in aid of?
Just the fact that you told me this causes me to question your sincerity.
You are so selfish that you taken out all the stops. I really cannot
beleive that you didn't even take into consideration my feelings. But I
suppose this is some kind of revenge.)
I still feel bad about telling you this (you are utterly full of shit and a
liar.), because, contrary to what you believe, I do have feelings (all for
yourself). I didn't want to burst your bubble (that is exactly what you
are trying to do I repeat, this is EXACTLY what you are trying to do).
First of all, it's not everyone as you love to exaggerate. Secondly, the
ones that do hate me are the ones who made all these remarks about you.
(eat shit)
I could care less if they hate me or not. Do you get it. I could care
less. What I'm telling you here is exactly why I don't speak to these
people anymore and they hate me. Again, I could care less .
(I don't care if you could care less. Most people are the same way. We
just don't make waves and isolate ourselves from our co-workers. Thats
what you call a professional attitude. You MUST get along with your fellow
workers and no matter what they REALLY think the mission is to maintain a
good relationship, though it might only be on the surface. Despite what
anyone thought then or thinks now, I get a good review and part of that
review says "good worker; gets job done," and "get along very well with
fellow employees."
So there you have it. You are not as "loved" by your fellow employees as
you think. You tend to over do it, like you did with me. (those days are
I told you before that I didn't like you in the beginning and wished you
would go away.
(I often regret having held out a hand of friendship to you)
Maybe I was being influenced at the time by these people who were making
these remarks because I used to be friendly with them. It seems the more
people I stopped talking to, the more I gravitated towards you because I
felt sorry for you at the time. (what a saint. not necessary to feel sorry
for me.)
Big mistake. Maybe I should have believed what they were telling me. Too
late now.
(Too late??? TOO LATE??? say what??? I will agree totally with BIG
I never gave a damn about your car, house, wife, clothes (except the Ward
Cleaver sweater). I thought you were kind of wimpy and jerky in the
beginning. (you must be joking.....how pathetic for you to suggest that you
took pity on my and allowed me to be your friend)
I never thought you were a loser or idiot. You do your job well.
(gee thanks!)
An ass hole? Sometimes you can be a big one, but so can everyone. Hanging
out with the boss, I can't handle that one. (It is NOT you place to even
have an opinion on who i befriend! Do you understand that????)
The wife thing, that's too complicated to go into here. (none of your
This is the biggest crock of shit i have ever known. In essence, you, in
your email, are basically saying that before we met I was nowhere near the
cool dude I thought I was. You, in your mercy, befriended me and developed
a caring for me. ANd now you can't let go.
When we first met I was amused by your loose-canon, out-spoken, boisterous,
loud disposition. It was just amusing. Nothing more, BULL SHIT nothing
less. *BULL SHIT* I stopped by because your cube was on the way to the
printer. *BULL SHIT* I never put any thought into why. *BULL SHIT* Just a
way to pass five minutes. BULL SHIT (I often visit people just to chat a
bit). Since then you take things I say and do and, for one reason or
another, are hurt, angered, or both. I try to not anger or hurt you but I
fail. This has resulted in several major "outs." I have tried to blow you
off many times because I don't need this friction. Friction, in small
amounts, is fine and a part of life. But i
have NEVER experienced this kind of ridiculousness in my life. The
constant bickering!! I tried to understand when you blamed it on biological
issues. And YOU were the one who, EVERY TIME, came to me with your tail
between your legs, a pout on your face, and an apology. The entire time I
was in awe of why we can't have a casual easy-going friendship. I do it
all the time with others. (People you never met, by the way) Unlike you i
have not experienced this growing caring for you that you do for me. Don't
get me wrong, I do care about you to an extent. I would hate to see you
sick or in a bad situation. But I just don't care like you do or like you
would hope I would or expect I should. Again, that is NOT to say I don't
I spent all day today going back and forth with you, came home, and my wife
is giving me shit. I cannot spend all day arguing with someone. I cannot
do it. I will not do it. Just these involved emails make me nuts. I
don't know why I put up with it. I will not continue to. I owe it to my
wife to put up with her bullshit. I do NOT owe you that.
Frankly, I think you are a loose canon. I really think you are not all
there emotionally. This has resulted in hours of burden for me in the way
of arguing and bickering and these emails.
I have bitten my tongue so many times in an effort to not get out of hand
and to not be sending TOTALLY inappropriate email through work.. You have
managed to irritate, aggravate, and anger me to no end. It is unhealthy
for me.
I see you as a co-worker with whom i have (or had?) a friendship. Thats
all. If i don't do something like get more intimate (inside of six feet)
you have NO RIGHT to complain. Understand? YOU HAVE NO RIGHT TO
COMPLAIN!!! But, alas, that is all you've ever done.
I get no sense of satisfaction from telling you where it is at. I do this
in the interest of you understanding where I am coming from. I hope you
get it. I will not put up with this bullshit any further. You wanna be
friends, fine. But I truely doubt you are capable. I can't tell you
precisely what I beleive is wrong with you but I do know that you are
easily angered, you seeth, and you are obsessed with revenge and
Allow me to live in peace, whether my co-workers like me or not, fooling
myself into thinking they really like me. I never asked to you, the hero,
to come along and pour what you call your brutally honest brand of
fellowship on me.
By the way, i thought your telling me what others think of me was probably
the lowest thing you have ever done. It is disturbing to me and I still
don't get why you did that. You topped yourself. Congratulation!
And you should congratulate me. I managed to write a pretty civilized
email. The problem is that it doesn't reflect the hate and anger I feel
towards you. Hate and anger that I squash every time I attempt to restart
our relationship.
I am utterly fed up. Utterly fed up. You are a collasal burden. You are
selfish. You are obsessed with your desires, supposedly uncovering
everyone's faults, and making sure you give it to em.
You have tried to paint me as a sucker and a fool in my co-workers' eyes.
People don't see me any differently than they do others. Thats a fact of
life. Me and WInston goof on how gay Rob is. I am SURE people goof on me.
SURE of it. But that is human nature. I accept it.
I will continue to hate myself at times, and love myself at other times. I
will continue to try to get along with my fellow employees and not feel
angry at anyone who thinks i am a loser. I will continue to KNOW that
people are hipocritical, shallow, and unkind. I will continue to
understand that I am too. I will continue to not be obsessed with hating
them for that. I will turn the other cheek every day with a smile. I will
not feel the need for revenge when i am treated badly. I will smile and
try to ENJOY my surroundings and the good people around me.
Life is what you make it.
2005-11-23 04:13:39 UTC
What the ????
